[Photo by Rachel Schell via the MetroSpokane photo pool]
From the MetroSpokane tipline a reader writes:
"See the brief post here included as an addition to an article our own
Mike Edwards is having published in next month’s issue of Parks &
Recreation Magazine. (The full article will cover both Pittsburgh and
Spokane, of course)."
[Mike Edwards was the previous president of the Downtown Spokane
Partnership and is now the President and CEO of the Pittsburgh Downtown
Check out the post. It's a quick Q&A on the positive impact that high quality public spaces (specifically sites for parks and recreation) can have on a local economy. We're looking forward to getting our hands on the full length article.
While our region is blessed with a bounty of natural assets and recreation opportunities, it's often those just around the block from your house that can benefit you and your neighborhood the most. Think Joe Albi, city pools, skateparks, bmx parks, public gardens, etc. You're throwing down $43 million in tax dollars over the next few years on pools and play fields among other things. Now is the time to give your opinion.