[Cyclist image courtesy of Cycling Spokane]
1) LIBERTY LAKE - We missed this newsworthy bit last fall. Liberty Lake was recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Way to go. Overall Liberty Lake received a Bronze designation (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) and will retain it for the next four years. The recognition is due mostly to the significant amount of investment they've made in biking infrastructure over the years. Bicycle Friendly Communities are recognized only if the community has records in two or more of the following five categories:
- Education: Does the community have systems in place to train children and adult cyclists?
- Engineering: Are bicyclists included in the city’s transportation plan?
- Enforcement: Do police officers understand and enforce bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities?
- Encouragement: Does the community participate in Bike Month, offer bike rodeos, host community bike rides, or otherwise encourage cycling?
- Evaluation: Does the community have methods in place to ensure their bicyclist programs are making a difference?
We have a feeling our turn is just around the corner.
2) Spokane, Northern Idaho, we're sorry to say you are not the biggest loser. In fact it appears we're a little tubbier than the state average. "Six out of every 10 people in the county are either overweight or obese," and a similar pattern exists in Northern Idaho. Near nature, near perfect pudding?