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They had pedicabs at Expo '74. Guess the city could use them again, but more activity needs to take plwce downtown.


At first when I read the post title I thought you were going to talk about a Pedestrian Engineer position over at city hall in transportation.

But this is also a fabulous idea!

I think MetroSpokane has outlined an excess of downtown activity that would justify developing this service, if only on a small scale at first. As a person without a car I know I sure would be using it!

I'm sure they can be purchased outright, but what would be even cooler is if we had some of our local metal artists team up with our bike people to make them locally. I will keep my eyes peeled for alternative transportation microenterprise grants to help get this going.


Spokane had a pedicab a few years back. Not sure what happened to the guy. He seemed to specialize in taking drunks home from the bars.


I've used one in Portland, and they are all over the place, in the downtown area at least. Most downtown streets have multiple lanes so they do not hold up traffic much.

Very fun, and flatter downtown Spokane be even more conducive.

My trip was rather expensive, but that's because the guy said he was just working for tips, and in my post-beer festival intoxicated state, decided $20 seemed fair for a five-minute 12-block ride up a slight hill...


Our current(ish) rickshaw was (is?) ran by a dude called Mojo. Could have sworn I saw one out and about recently....


Here's a new post on Planetizen about the growth in bike messenger svcs as compared with motorized:

Bicycle Couriers Up, Motorized Couriers Down
New York Bicycle Couriers Energy Environment Fuel Efficiency New York Times Transportation

In New York City, bicycle courier businesses are witnessing new growth, while motorized couriers struggle to turn profit in an age of rising full-costs.



Mojo (Joe) is now a pub proprietor... dealing with the clientele from the other end. I don't think he's been running the rickshaw for at least a couple of years (I could be wrong).

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