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I don't think "real" cyclists are excluding those who ride clunkers or without helmets. People who drive oil burners or don't wear seat belts are not excluded from traffic. I think the goal should be to make bicycles an accepted and expected in the traffic flow. The responsibility for excluding cyclists lies with politicians, businesses, drivers, etc. Why does The Swamp now have bike racks in front and back? Because a group of cyclists started using it as a starting point or destination every night of the full moon. Yet when I go to Albertsons or Fred Meyers I have to lock my bike to the flower rack or take it inside. Spokefest is great for promoting cycling but Bike to Work Week helps promote acceptance of cycling. They go hand in hand because we need more people to ride to have them accepted and expected on the road, but--and I'm just guessing here--more neighborhood level acceptance needs to be done and publicized.


That is a great picture.

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