[Image by moshpitrockchick via the MetroSpokane Photo pool]. That's it folks. We're tapped out. Nearly four years ago this site went live and thus began the documentation of the countless things we loved about our city as well as those things about the built environment here that annoyed us to no end. Along the way we picked up a few friends, regulars and even local media folk who routinely dropped in every day to lurk around reading the latest piece and sometimes leaving a comment or a cookie behind.
It's been a blast, a burden, and a learning experience all at once. We hope you've learned a thing or two about your city as well. Spokane's not done though. There's an absolute need for higher-quality public spaces and for buildings that relate better to people and to the streets that make them possible. If all MetroSpokane really inspired was some good exchange about our built environment and local development, then we've accomplished what we set out to do. Thanks for participating. We're signing off.
NOTE: We absolutely reserve the right to come back at any moment and rant...