Pools aside, nothing signals it's summer more than ice cream. When it's 90+ out, the air is still, and you've just spent the last hour mowing your damn lawn, two scoops on a cake cone make it all better. Now that our usual summer weather is finally here we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is with a heavy heart that we inform you that ice-cream in Spokane this summer will be lacking.
For the first time in seventeen years the institution known as Doyles Ice-Cream will be closed during the summer. Doyles has been around for decades and is synonymous with summer in West Central and Spokane. The typed letter to customers taped on the quirky little storefront on Boone Avenue explains the reasons: a combination of family responsibilities, health and equipment issues have combined to make running the shop difficult.
But all is not lost. Until it reopens next spring the shop will be getting a much needed facelift with new paint, roof repairs, and some equipment fixes. For the newcomers to Spokane, it's hard to call yourself a true Spokanite if you've never been inside and had some of their ice-cream. Next spring is your chance. We'll see you there.
As sad I am about the fact that I will have no Doyles this summer, I bask in the solace provided by the fact that my local joint is still up and running. While the ice cream at the Scoop is not the best I've ever had, their sandwiches and bagels more than make up for it. I will await the reopening of Doyles with anticipation nonetheless.
Posted by: Silent Bahb | June 16, 2008 at 09:25 AM
My dad will be bummed.....
Posted by: benJAMMIN | June 16, 2008 at 04:38 PM