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An intrepid MetroSpokane reader needs some space...art workspace that is. The Davenport Arts District jumped out at us as a good spot, but the working artist studios down there have been slim-to-none what with the revitalization and all. Our reader submits the following:
"Can you point me in a direction: we will be returning to Spokane and are looking for an artist loft-ish workspace downtown for about a year. Where would you go to look for such a thing? I was kind of hoping that one of the projects might be on hold and the owner might rent out something partially finished while waiting for happier times....
Also, I want to make it clear that I am only looking for a workspace, not a live/work. My husband wants to do some painting, so we're really looking for a crummy garage or something. But it needs to be on the bus, as he doesn't drive."
Readers...have at it, and impart your wisdom in the comments section below.
Contact Interplayers to see if they have some space available upstairs. Email Jim McCurdy at jamesmccurdy at icehouse dot net.
Posted by: Brian A. Sayrs | April 30, 2008 at 08:02 AM
As rents rise in the Davenport District, I've heard artists and studios are starting to look east, just across Division on Sprague. Many two and three-story buildings out that way, and though most are a bit run-down, it's how the Davenport area used to look before the arts helped revive things there.
But there are still many, many vacant or under-utilized upper floors in downtown proper - a little nosing about would almost certainly turn something up!
Posted by: Rick | April 30, 2008 at 09:49 AM
I recommend inquiring after studio space in the Cat's Eye Gallery building ~225 W. Indiana. Email Conrad Bagley at cgbagley at peoplepc dot com. You will definitely get the most bang for your buck here - plus a community of supportive & creative type friends.
Posted by: Mariah McKay | April 30, 2008 at 10:34 AM
the 2nd & howard area is up and coming art area... interplayers might have space, and above the new art music and more on second and wall they have space available.
Posted by: charles greer | May 02, 2008 at 09:07 AM