If the data dump that is Web 2.0 still hasn't quite taken it's toll on you, then we've one more real estate mashup to show you.
Consider this scenario: You're moving to Spokane (you know you want to), fresh out of college, degree in hand and you need an apartment to rent. You're well past the days of living 5 to a place like you did in the 'big city', but the only problem is you're on a tight budget since the student loan money dried up. How will you ever figure out which part of town has the apartment size you want with a rent to match? If you're savvy you'll have visited Zilpy (pronounced 'Zill-pee' in your best Beavis voice), punched in your housing specs (beds/baths/sqf...) and let it do the work. The results will be displayed in an easy to read heat map, chart and tabular format showing you just where the hot rental action is that best meets your needs. There's more to discover, but we'll let you figure it out. Highest priced 2 beds? West Hills. Who knew? One way to improve: Give a walkscore for the results as well.
- Zilpy Rental Facts - [Site]