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Bart Mihailovich

What a great presentation. Such a neat look at the city. Thank you. What are the plans for the residence?

Mariah McKay

Wow, I am SO JEALOUS you got to go on a tour of the Paulsen Penthouse! I fantasize about what it must look like from up there every time I see the building. I've heard so many interesting things about Mrs. Paulsen, can you imagine living like that!? Metro Spokane you are my hero!


Renovate it and ultimately rent it out for a huge chunk o' change. It's nice that it'll remain a residence.

John Speare

How big a chunk of change? Let's guess. I really have no idea. $3500/month?
During highschool/college about 100 years ago I worked the Patsy Clark's sunday brunch. Mrs Paulsen came in about once a month or so. She was a very sweet lady, even to us lowly omelet makers and meat carvers...

Silent Bahb

I'm so dissapointed - the slideshow isn't working for me. :o( The views must be awesome.


Make sure you have the most recent version of flash installed...

Here's the link to the video on vimeo:


That's amazing that you got up there, Just like Mariah, I've always thought about going up there. I have a couple questions though:
1) How did you get up there?
2) What happened to Ms. Paulsen and when?
3) How much would it cost to acquire such a place?


it looks amazing! not only the view, but the interior. I heard it was really fantastic art deco and it's so true!

my fiance got up there to do a photoshoot and he said it was beautiful.

Silent Bahb

Thanks for posting the Vimeo link, MS. That worked. It's AWESOME up there. The kitchen needs work, but with that view and the other rooms - who cares? Thank you so much for sharing.

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