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Correct me if I'm wrong, but at the last census I believe CDA was asked if they wanted to be counted as a metro area with us and refused. But once the total metro area (Spokane/CDA) is over 500,000 (like the next census) they have no choice and will be considered part of our metro area. That 440,000 people number looks like Spokane County alone. Kootenai County has another 130,000 souls but I don't know exactly how these census things work.


yep. You're correct. Our MSA includes just Spokane County. Broaden that to include CDA-which looks to be inevitable- add in their job count, and we'll easily jump into the top 100k.


As I understand it, I've heard with the new Federal changes with Metro classifications that the two counties will be combined in the next few years. Has anyone else heard this?
Both counties need to work together for the common (Metro area) good!

Andrew Waddilove

I think it's fair that Coeur d'Alene shares with us in a combined metropolitan area.
For years now they've shared with us in a combined phone book directory.
With a combined metro population base, it will make our area shine a little more when future companies look to relocate here.

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