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if you head over to the website for the architects
(http://www.nocarch.com/) you'll see a graphic on their front page that shows a possible rendering of the grant building. It looks very far into the future for its inspiration, and in my opinion would turn the grant building from bad to worse. Let's hope that we can assume that was just ONE idea.

Mariah McKay

The sketch on their homepage is so stylized I think its difficult to visualize what the actual building would look like in "real life". Could be crazy hip, could also feel out of place. Who knows?

What piques my interest is this firm; their web page has no links on it! Who are they and what are they really all about?


I think the rendering on their homepage (though stylized) looks great and I hope they build it out. Spokane has plenty of classic buildings, we do not have many modern ones.


I agree MK,Spokane has a large inventory of classic architecture. Now let's join the 21st century! I think the rendered design is very modern and progressive and would be a welcome addition to a redeveloping downtown. How about the Macy's building getting its act together for a much needed facelift. We've just completed a great facelift on the Davenport and Fox, now let's move forward with a stunning architectual statement with the new Mobius Science Center also!

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