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Mariah McKay


Andrew Waddilove

I agree, definitly both!
It's old, outdated, and needs a fresh new look.
Architects and interior designers could do wonders with that building, just like they did with the new RiverPark Square.


Yes it is time for a facelift and possible gutting of the Macy's Building. They've invested in two stores in two local malls which have no redeemable exterior architectual quality. How about the facelift for the sake of the greater good as a first phase, then the interior spiffed up in stages. Shopping there now sends me to an earlier era of 50's malaise.


That old Bon Marche building has more character than the new buildings, imho. That and the Bennett Block are my two favorites along the RPS corridor.


If they take the 50's facade down to the original building facade would be my vote I like the 50's facade, so I could live with it. I think the inside of the building needs more updates compared to the outside. I also think the store needs to expand their store hours to support downtown for longer hours. This can be said of many downtown outlets also!


Hey -- I believe I floated that suggestion a couple of weeks ago.

The old Palace building underneath that 60's facade is really quite attractive. It deserves to see the light of day again.


You're absolutely right Contrarian. We went back and checked and you did mention it. Credit where credit is due. No wonder it sounded familiar. Thanks for the reminder.

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