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This type of development truly disgusts me. How long is it going to take for Spokane to have development standards that force businesses to be pedestrian friendly. Do we really have to wait until 29th becomes a mini division street?

Spencer Grainger

This just reinforces my conviction that Spokane should consider rethinking its motto, "Near nature. Near perfect." Perhaps a more accurate tag line would be, "We would be great - if we actually cared."


Two things have to happen before this can get better. (1) The Mayor and the City Council MUST modify the Design Review requirement for new construction in the City to allow for a binding judgment, rather than a recommendation. (2) The City must formulate and adopt new design guidelines that are actually based on the concepts and goals of the Comprehensive Plan.

More disturbing than the building design, though, is the graffiti that not only graces the plywood on the temporary construction entrance of the building, but also the concrete planters in the median of 29th Street.


Hey, what happened to the RSS feed? It used to have full content, but now it's just a clipping. Bring back Full Content RSS!!!


I like graffiti.

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