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Nice pics! I also heard that they are constructing more units on that same site. They will be connected to the current structure situated just West of the current structure. I hope what I heard is true. You mentioned the Fuller-Brush warehouse in the article, do you know if anyone has any plans for this building? I think that building has so much potential. I would actually like to see Gonzaga purchase it.


what a great addition to the gonzaga community (as well as a great eye-catcher while driving north on ruby).

exciting things seem to be happening in that area. :)

great photos - i'll have to head over and see the results for myself.

Andrew Waddilove

I totally agree, that area will be interesting to watch in the near-future.
It's a great-looking apartment building and a major improvement to that part of the street.
It's becoming a hip area and is a great example of urban revitalization.


I work in the building between the Kennedy Apartments and the Fuller-Brush warehouse. The word on the street (or parking lot in this case) is that Gonzaga did purchase the warehouse.


I live at Upper Falls and ride my bike to Hollywood Video and other local stores. the neighborhood on the northbank is going to be a fantastic place to live.

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