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I was in Boise a couple of years ago and enjoyed all of the outdoor downtown venues which gave it a much more urban vibe. Nice to see that happening at last in Spokavegas. Can't wait to fire up a cigar at Churchhills!


weird, last I had heard Vancouver came out of nowhere and trumped both Spokane AND T-town for 2nd.

but then again, that *was* on a local news station (read: Q6) so who knows where the hell they found that info.


Yes Vancouver is in the process annexation of unincorporated Clark County that will vault the once sleepy Portland bedromm way past Spokaloo and T - town. Portland overflow - live in smaller Vancouver and shop tax feee in Oregon. Nice..

Andrew Waddilove

Of course Tacoma is going to say that...It just sounds like sour grapes and jealousy to me.
Way to go Spokane, we're better than Tacoma-aroma!

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