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Andrew Chester

My wife (Kawal Chester) and I are developing the Iron Bridge Condos on the river near GU. We have absolutely 100% shared developing duties on this project from the very beginning phases. As this is the first development for either of us, (we share a profession that has absolutely nothing to do with property development) it has been an eye-opening, roller coaster experience for us-but overall quite positive. Her entrepreneurial spirit comes from her parents/siblings who have all been quite involved in real estate on a personal scale (not development). Thanks for bringing up this discussion!...she'll probably be mad I'm responding on her behalf but (no kidding) she's coaching our daughter's softball team as I type this!


Thanks to the Chester's for their innovative Iron Bridge Project. This will be a real asset to the neighborhood. I jog along the trail near the bridge and can't wait to see the bridge brought back to life and see this area come alive with folks living in this great location.

Amy K

What about Heather Hanley? She's developing First @ Washington downtown. Seven units, five of them townhome-style condos, plus retail on the ground floor, including a contemporary furniture gallery that she plans to run. They're having an open-house/info session tomorrow at 5:30 at the site, which is still very much in the throes of development. Check out Tuesday's Spokesman-Review for more - I just filed a profile on Hanley for the weekly HOME section.

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