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FYI to your readers who think Spokane is comparable to Sonoma CA:

Sonoma County Residential Real Estate Prices:

2006 Single Family Home
Average Price: $673,785
Median Price: $580,000

In comparison:

Spokane Market:
2006 Single Family
Average: $193,707
Median: $173,500


In spite of your statistics I believe Spokane is much more expensive than Sonoma County and particularly the city of San Fransisco. I believe, in fact that Spokane is the most expensive city in the world.

Sally Sahnemacher

Great post Metro Spokane! It's time for new and old Spokanites to stop thinking about great real estate deals and start thinking about what will happen when agricultural land in the region grows scarce. The few stands at the Spokane Farmer's Market demonstrate a lack of emphasis of local food sources.

Add to our reading list:

-Animal, vegetable, miracle : a year of food life by Barbara Kingsolver

-Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally by Alisa Smith & J.B. Mackinnon

and finally, for all those Spokanites who love to keep their lawns golf-course green all summer long:

-Food Not Lawns: How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden And Your Neighborhood into a Community by Heather C. Flores

Smart Communities

Great post -- please keep it going, we need people like you posting about smart solutions to development.

I've added the URL to our own blog, Smart Communities, that covers some of the same topics but (hopefully) not the same ground.

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