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Apartment living in Spokane can cover quite the range. Downtown isn't a bad place to live, if you don't mind no parking whatsoever and a drive to the nearest grocery store (there doesn't seem to be a walking-distance grocery store in the thick of downtown).

I live in a 450 sq ft (or so) studio apartment that is just a few blocks from downtown- right across the Monroe bridge- and pay $400 a month. Utilities are about $20 a month. It's a decent area- I feel comfortable parking on the street and sitting on my front porch at any time of night. The Logan area is $500-$800 for a 2 bedroom 1 bath. There are lots of college students there, and it's within easy walking distance to Gonzaga.

Something to remember- if you're willing to walk a few blocks, then "downtown" or "close to Gonzaga" don't really have a lot of difference. And Spokane's STA system does get you to Gonzaga fairly easily and quickly.

I do remember looking at lots of apartments that were very quirky - bathrooms seem to be where retrofitting of old houses into apartments can go weird.

Long story short, Spokane isn't that bad of a place to find an apartment- just remember to look at the place or, if renting from afar, ask the weird questions like "does the shower have enough room to stand up in?"


I waked through a recently renovated historic building downtown for rent. . .that went from $450 - $575 and was pretty nice. It is next to the interplayers theatre and there is a decent coffee shop around the corner. . .I forgot it's name but Kiemle & Hagood manage it

no parking. . .but GU is about a 10 minute bike ride through the park. . .

and you always have 2 hrs of free wifi. . .


There are tons of great (and cheap) places to live right around Gonzaga. Look at the east/west roads between Division and Hamilton/Nevada, perhaps even as far east as Addison, if you stay south of Indiana. I'd look there first - it's a college area, rent is cheap, and it's close to school.

Downtown is a short bike ride away - through a beautiful park and on a bike-only path next to the river. There's also bus service from downtown. Apartments there will be funkier (re: the shower comment), but a bit further away (can't ride your bike in a Spokane winter).

A bit further away still, but close to downtown (and buses and the park and all of the other stuff downtown offers) is Browne's Addition. Tons of funk happening in this neighborhood. A great atmosphere with local pubs, museum and a great park. You run into the commuting thing again (GU is about 20 mins by bike, downtown about 10 mins by bike), but it's an awesome area.

Pull up a map of Spokane so you can get a feel for what you're looking at. But I'd confine your search primarily to those 2 areas. If you expand, I recommend not going more north than Garland/Empire, not more south than 7th or 8th (be careful here - you now have the highway to contend with). East to Addision, west can be as far as Browne's Addition or Maple/Ash.

Those are broad parameters, but it's because Spokane has tons to offer in inexpensive housing.

Enjoy finding a cute place, and good luck!


When I first moved to Spokane ...ages ago..... I rented my first apartment on the near south hill...in that area across from the Huckleberry's Natural Market. This is a nice area, but a bit far to walk to Gonzaga. Take your time to examine all areas of Spokane, before you make a plunge. Our bus system is good here and it's easy to walk around from the downtown center. Spokane is changing and find somewhere , where you feel at home and can connect with. Enjoy the Lilac City and the Inland NW!

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