Ray Oldenburg coined the term "The Third Place." The first place is one's home; the second place is one's office; Third places are those other public locations where informal gatherings and meetings occur. Years ago relaxing and leisure took place in such public locations, and Spokane, like most cities, has a long history of well known ones.
Our extensive park system exists as a network of Third Places where the community can go and relax outside of the confines of the private home. Consider Natatorium Park, Manito Park, or even Riverfront Park. Riverfront Park was perhaps our most significant civic nod to the concept of Third Places.
But Third Places are an essential characteristic of vibrant neighborhoods as well, and they don't need to be extravagant. The Elk or O' Daugherty's come to mind. Not only are they incredibly successful restaurants, but it serve the neighborhoods as places where residents can gather, talk, and relax. More than likely your morning routine includes a stop at the local coffee shop. If you're a frequent visitor they likely know your drink AND your name. You are a regular. David Blaine author of From the Back Kitchen penned an excellent description of the Third Place from the perspective of the chef. He describes common themes we're all familiar with: "getting out of the house", "comfort", and even nicknames for the regulars.
A lot of people say that Spokane is a big city with a small town feel. Given that, we can think of no greater need in this city than an ample supply of quality Third Places.
So what's your fav Third Place in town? Let us know in the comments.
I have been using the Rocket on Cedar as a default third place. Most of the time I spend there is meeting other people. It's location and parking makes it easy for quick meet ups, but I am dismayed at the coffee. They don't have great coffee but at least you can get a cup for under a buck and there is always a place to sit. I am still looking for another place that fits me needs and has some great local coffee.
Posted by: David Blaine | March 30, 2007 at 07:38 AM
Julie and Sarah at Europa Pizzaria always know exactly what I need and the full menu until midnight is a deal clincher for those late shows or events. The food is excellent, the ambiance is unique and relaxing, and the appetizers are suburb. This "3rd Place" is and easy one: Open late + great food + great staff = Europa!
Posted by: Paul Warfield | March 30, 2007 at 08:36 AM
I was always partial to the Starbucks on Main Street across from River Park Square. Nice feel, lots of people passing through. Now that i am in Pittsburgh I have found a simliar place...another Starbucks...but attached to the grand William Penn hotel which is much like the Davenport. Now that we have downtown wi-fi (stole the idea from Spokane) I almost don't need to ever go to the office!
I will be in Spokane later this month....see you at the Starbucks on main!
Posted by: mike edwards | April 10, 2007 at 04:51 AM
The Elk, The Elk, The Elk! I am a resident of Browne's Addition (a 'Brownie'), but Cabin Coffee's a good Third Place too.
Posted by: Amanda | April 21, 2007 at 10:04 PM