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David Blaine

I have been using the Rocket on Cedar as a default third place. Most of the time I spend there is meeting other people. It's location and parking makes it easy for quick meet ups, but I am dismayed at the coffee. They don't have great coffee but at least you can get a cup for under a buck and there is always a place to sit. I am still looking for another place that fits me needs and has some great local coffee.

Paul Warfield

Julie and Sarah at Europa Pizzaria always know exactly what I need and the full menu until midnight is a deal clincher for those late shows or events. The food is excellent, the ambiance is unique and relaxing, and the appetizers are suburb. This "3rd Place" is and easy one: Open late + great food + great staff = Europa!

mike edwards

I was always partial to the Starbucks on Main Street across from River Park Square. Nice feel, lots of people passing through. Now that i am in Pittsburgh I have found a simliar place...another Starbucks...but attached to the grand William Penn hotel which is much like the Davenport. Now that we have downtown wi-fi (stole the idea from Spokane) I almost don't need to ever go to the office!

I will be in Spokane later this month....see you at the Starbucks on main!



The Elk, The Elk, The Elk! I am a resident of Browne's Addition (a 'Brownie'), but Cabin Coffee's a good Third Place too.

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