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What about Garland district? If there were urban-style condos available I would not mind living there.


Garland for sure Rob. We mentioned it above in a listing of our fav districts, but thanks for calling it out. A big reason it's a winner in our book is 1) The only district outside of downtown that has an intact historic theater, and 2) has a fabulous walking experience. Most of the other districts are all on significant arterials that don't help on the pedestrian front.


I'd second the Garland comment. Nice street front, movies, a couple of places to eat and a grocery store with in walking distance.


I think the North Monroe corridor could become a great place to live- but it feels unsafe right now. I work near the courthouse and it can be a little scary there. I think that turning the big parking lots into residential units would definitely help out with a feeling of safety. I'd also like a little more lighting in some parts. If it felt safer and had affordable units I would live there even without entertainment options because it is so close to downtown and the falls. The view south across the bridge is nice too. I love the new lamp-posts along the bridge.

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