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The first apartment my wife and I lived in was at the Knickerbocker (about 5 years ago). We selected it because we could afford to live there on two part-time incomes while still going to school.

The building was not in good shape and we felt our apartment needed some considerable work before we moved in. We painted every room and were paid back by the manager Eugene.

While I have many great stories about living there I will say our apartment was beautiful and huge for very little money. That unfortunately was not enough to win over my wife, especially after one of our neighbors was stabbed and left a trail of blood from his aprtment down the hallway and out the front door.

They have a website located here. I think Eugene might be the owner as well as the manager and he has some form of MS or some other disease that makes it very hard for him to leave his apartment. He is very nice and unfortunately gets taken advantage of often.


Thanks for the info & the link. Even in its current state it's an incredible building. It just needs a little more attention and maintenence. Given it's (now) prime location the place could really rebound.


Well the building looks beautiful from the photos. Especially with that glint of sunset beaming onto it up top. Although, please also add a red arrow in your one photo to the cigarette-butt container. :)


"If we've ever seen a candidate for 'demolition by neglect' ala Wendell Reugh, it's this building."

I can hardly agree with this assessment. Garbage on the sidewalk and poor landscaping hardly qualify a building as demolition worthy. Even from your pictures it is obvious that this building is well built and very unique.



You misunderstood the statement. It's a candidate for 'demolition by neglect' not a candidate for demolition. Big difference. We're merely pointing out that letting necessary maintenance go by the way side is a similar tactic taken by Mr. Reugh. After 20 year of neglect, two once solid buildings are nearly beyond salvation. Not to mention, if it looks this rough on the outside, the inside can't be doing much better. We'd like to think so, but we're not holding our breath. It's a shame for such a wonderful building.

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