Spokane drivers are really no worse than anywhere else. There have been a number of times when driving, we've signaled that we need to change lanes and they've quite politely slowed down and let us move on over. A quick wave or a head nod and everyone is happy. The real problems begin when people here park.
A stroll through the scenic Peaceful Valley Neighborhood last week brought us upon the above example. It's something that pisses us off to no end: drivers who consider parking on the sidewalk an acceptable or appropriate thing to do. Any number of thoughts have to be running through their heads:
- I must get off the road so other cars can maintain their breakneck speed
- If I park on the sidewalk my car will be safer
- Everyone else is doing it, so...
- Pedestrians? What pedestrians?
The list goes on and on. The simple fact is that cars on the street creates visual friction, and that in turn slows traffic by narrowing the lane. Cars parked on the street also create a buffer for pedestrians and increase their safety. Two cars travelling slowly could have passed through here easily, but instead, pedestrians were forced out into the street to share it with oncoming traffic.
Earlier this year, Browne's Addition took a gentle approach to deal with parking issues in their neighborhood. They began placing friendly notices on the windshields of offending vehicles. We say make it hurt a little more and ticket 'em.
Those notices didn't do much good. Yesterday we had somebody parked--and I have to wonder what went through her mind while doing this--squat in front of our driveway, effectively blocking in everybody in the garage. Parking properly is, apparently, quite the mind teaser.
Posted by: Remi | August 25, 2006 at 07:01 AM
Clueless. Yeah, enforcement is really that only thing that'll wake some people up. And why is Riverside 30mph through there? That's insane.
Posted by: METROSPOKANE | August 25, 2006 at 08:23 AM